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The Diary of Ronald Reagan
The Diary of
Ronald Reagan

Diary Entry - 01/01/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-01-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan watches the Rose Bowl game (UCLA vs. Iowa).

  • Libyan leader Moammar Khadafy threatens to retaliate if attacked as the United States builds its strength in the Mediterranean.

View the President's Schedule
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Won't try to break this down by days—it was just the usual wonderful time at the Annenbergs for our New Years. We arrived in the afternoon—no other guests on hand as yet. Monday some were on hand and we got in 9 holes of golf. As usual I had some enjoyable shots but many more of the other kind. After all it was my 1st round since last year. That night was the Wilson, Jorgensen party at El Dorado Country Club. A good time—mainly with the old friends we’ll be with the rest of the trip.

Ended 1985 with 18 holes of golf—shot the 1st 9 in 45. Then the New Years party and as always it was great. New Years day—was watch the Rose Bowl day—U.C.L.A. vs. Iowa. And a smaller dinner & song fest with mainly the other House guests. Of course hanging over all of this was a cloud we tried to ignore temporarily—the matter of Khadafy & his connection with the massacres at Rome & Vienna airports. We all feel we must do something yet there are problems including thousands of Americans living & working in the mad clown’s country.

Thursday Jan. 2nd we left the Springs & returned to L.A. There my new hearing aids were delivered & they work. I’m the experimental animal—these are the only 2 in operation.

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