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Podcast - Monday Minute- Golf Clubs
Video Length: 01:01

Monday Minute- Golf Clubs

In honor of this past weekend’s PGA Championship, this week’s Monday Minute in the Archives features a set of President Reagan’s golf clubs.

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Podcast - Inside the Reagan Library - The Notes
Video Length: 04:44

Inside the Reagan Library - The Notes

In the 1950s, Ronald Reagan began collecting motivational, entertaining and compelling quotes, writing them on notecards, from which he drew inspiration for his speeches, as he did in his Time for Choosing Speech in 1964.

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Podcast - Monday Minute- 1980 RNC Ticket
Video Length: 01:00

Monday Minute- 1980 RNC Ticket

On July 17, 1980, Ronald Reagan’s path to the presidency took a huge leap forward as he stood before a celebratory crowd and accepted the Republican nomination to become the 40th president of the United States.

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Podcast - Reagan Retrospective- Gahl Hodges Burt
Video Length: 02:58

Reagan Retrospective- Gahl Hodges Burt

White House Social Secretary Gahl Burt shares wonderful memories of President and Mrs. Reagan, including a touching story about Mrs. Reagan’s interment ceremony during this Reagan Retrospective Episode.

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Podcast - Monday Minute- Piece of the Berlin Wall
Video Length: 01:01

Monday Minute- Piece of the Berlin Wall

In honor of today’s 54th anniversary of President Kennedy’s famous Ich Bin Ein Berliner speech, we look at a piece of the Berlin Wall in this week’s “Monday Minute in the Archives.”

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