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October 01, 2014
Lecture and book signing with PayPal Co-Founder Peter Thiel on his new book, Zero to One:Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future (Publish Date: September 16, 2014).
In Zero to One, Silicon Valley legend Peter Thiel shares his innovative new theory and formula for how to build the companies of the future: the only way to create lasting value and profits is to create and monopolize a new market instead of trying to compete in an existing one. The next great company won’t be another Microsoft or Apple--those have been done. Instead it will be something completely new that we have yet to dream up. Here Thiel shows how to build companies of the future by going from Zero to One.
Peter Thiel is a technology entrepreneur and investor best known for co-founding PayPal. Since then he has co-founded the data analytics firm Palantir Technologies, made the first outside investment in Facebook, provided early funding for companies like SpaceX and LinkedIn and established and funds the Thiel Foundation, which nurtures tomorrow’s tech visionaries.