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Empower your workforce with the Reagan Leadership Center’s Simulation Experience; ideal for management teams across all types of business, academia, media and government. The experience enhances team building, communication and collaboration, informs decision making, and builds leadership skills through immersive historical international events, ultimately transforming your company into a cohesive unit ready to tackle any challenge.


Operation Urgent Fury

The island nation of Grenada has been taken over by a rebel government and American students lives hang in the balance. The mission: bring our American students back safely while preserving stability in the region. The world is watching and awaiting your decision!

KAL 007

When Korean Flight 007 flew into Soviet airspace, it caused a chain of events that doomed the aircraft and started an international crisis. Tensions between the Soviet Union and the United States are at a boiling point. Your decisions could have catastrophic consequences!


  • Pre-visit planning
  • Simulation (Operation Urgent Fury or KAL 007)
  • Facilitated de-brief Duration: 5 hours

Capacity:  45 people per simulation

Simulation Duration: 1.5 hours 

Lunch or Dinner Seating: 30 to 200+

Dining Details:

The Ronald Reagan Presidential Library’s Executive Leadership Lunch or Dinner program includes options for groups to have an upscale dining experience under the wings of Air Force One. We offer an all-inclusive Executive Leadership Barbeque Buffet served with a Mesquite Grilled Herb Marinated Chicken Breast and house-made sweet and spicy barbecue sauce. This program also includes a docent-led tour of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and our amazing Air Force One Pavilion.

Behind the doors of the Reagan Leadership Center, you will enter exact replicas of the Oval Office, the Command Decision Center, and the White House Press Room. Your team will become the President, Cabinet members, Military leaders, Intelligence Agencies, and the Press Corp.

Contact the Event Group at to book your Executive Leadership Experience.

The simulation forces you to think on your feet and feel the pressure that politicians feel in real situations. I give the entire experience at A+.
-B. Wilson