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December 29, 1987
And this is off to Palm Springs day. But 1st some office work & a few things to sign. Then at 10:15 Nancy headed for the hair dresser. At 11 A.M. Mike Abrums came by to check on my exercises etc. He told me our gym equipment at the W.H. belongs to us not the W.H. I’ll have to look into this—if so then our exercise room at the Belair house we’re looking at is all set.
As he left Dr. House & his crew plus our Dr. & Nurse came by to make ear moulds for my new hearing aids. They are actually going to be smaller than the present ones and with a remote control device so I wont have to take one out for a phone call.
Lunch—some more desk work. The wind & rain storm has broken so we’ll helicopter to the airport at 3 P.M. We took A.F.1 to Palm Springs & motored to Sunny Lands. We are 1st guests there—others coming tomorrow morning. An early dinner with Lee & Walter & to bed.