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December 20, 1987

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Diary Entry - 12/20/1987

Sunday, December 20, 1987

View the President's Schedule

Nancy interviewing household help for when we go back to Calif. I’m due downstairs to greet Open House for more staff. These were all connected with management of W.H. I got carried away and took Q’s. It was more fun than I’ve had in a long time. Stayed about 20 or 25 min’s.

Now it’s after dinner—about 9 P.M. Howard B. just called from his car. He’s on his way home from the Hill. Cong. just passed a 14 hour extension of the Continuing Resolution. Howard thinks they are very close & will probably wind it up satisfactorily tomorrow. I’m now waiting for the C.R. to get here for my signature. When I sign it will keep us from having to send workers home. And here is the usher now with the bill. Now it’s signed & on it’s way back & I’m going to bed.