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September 26, 1983
Put on my iron undershirt & off to the U.N. Gen. Assembly. It seems many of the members carry weapons. The speech was very well received. Mrs. de Cuellar said it got the most applause of any U.S. presidential address to the U.N. The theme was arms reduction & peace. Back at the hotel I spoke briefly to a meeting of the Women’s Sports Foundation which was putting 6 women sports figures into the Hall of Fame. Up to the suite and working lunch with King Hassan of Morocco. It was a most informative meeting with the King holding forth on the Middle East. His history of the Palestinians presented a view I’d never thought of. The problem is greater than the refugees in Lebanon & what to do with them. There are Palestinians in every Arab nation, 5 mil. of them unassimilated & wanting their own homeland. But where is the real estate for such a homeland. Prime Minister Gandhi of India came for a meeting. Then an interview with the N.Y. Post & back to Wash. In the East Room a reception for heads of Black colleges & U’s. I signed a bill—just passed today that will be of great help to those inst’s.