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June 22, 1983

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Diary Entry - 06/22/1983

Wednesday, June 22, 1983

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Finally got everything cleared away as to Dick Stones trip to Central Am. Last night got a call that 3 Am. Press men had been killed on the border of Honduras. By morning we knew it was only 2—3rd man was an Honduran driver. They were killed by a rifle grenade fired across the border by Nicaraguan soldiers. The bodies couldn’t be recovered til night fall because the Sandinista forces kept shelling the area. They cant lay it to a mistake—the vehicle was painted white. Met with our new commission to better Japan-U.S.A. relations. A distinguished group of Japanese & Am. leaders chaired by Dave Packard. Off to the Hilton to address the Nat. Independent Bus. Assn.—3rd year in a row at their nat. meeting. Well received & evidenced their support for our bud. & tax policies. Back to the W.H. & spend afternoon in my study catching up on mail. The Dems. are trying to pick up a scandal saying some one gave us or we stole their scenario for the Jimmy Carter campaign debate which I won. Evidently some one was given some thing that was merely a compilation of what they thought were achievements. I’d never heard of it until it broke in the press yesterday. It certainly was no strategic plan of any kind & I’ve never seen it.