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May 18, 1982

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Diary Entry - 05/18/1982

Tuesday, May 18, 1982

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Lunched with Joint Chfs. of Staff & Cap W. It was a good meeting with a sound discussion of strategic problems—for example—the importance of the sea above Norway & what Iceland means in the Navy strategy should there be conflict on the N.A.T.O. front. Walt Alston & Al Lopez came in—they will manage the “old timers” teams in their game July 19 for charity. Met with great German publisher Springer—he’s the most pro-American European I’ve ever met & he strongly favors our admin. Cabinet meeting re Drew Lewis’s plan for a gas tax & highway building program. It must be postponed until our budget troubles have been eased. I know he’s not happy with that. It looks as if the Sen. is coming together on a bud. program & the House is coming close to a compromise agreement. Tonight might be the bombing raid on Port Stanley by British bombers from the Ascensions. P.M. Begin is getting restless about the P.L.O. in So. Lebanon. That could break the cease fire in a big way.