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April 28, 1986

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Diary Entry - 04/28/1986

Monday, April 28, 1986

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These really were one day that starts out Mon. & wound up Tues. as we crossed the International Dateline.

The Hemmeters came to see us off & we had a chance to thank them for their generous hospitality. He has just sold the home for $6 mil.

At Hickam field a brief visit with Gov. & Mrs. Ariyosha & Admiral & Mrs. Ron Hay.

Then it was off to 31,000 feet & 5 hrs., 40 mins. to Guam for refueling & then on to Bali—arriving at 7:10 P.M. Met by Pres. Soharto & Mrs.—an airport ceremony including a dance by almost 100 young Balinese ladies. Our hotel suite was palatial including it’s own pvt. swimming pool.