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Visit StoreApril
April 22, 1988
We have 32 solid votes for sustaining a veto of trade bill. We need 34.
I.N.F.—Cranston is for it & some of our own stalwarts are against it. We must have this ratified & before the summit.
Next week when Colin & Geo. S. come back from Moscow we must have them on the hill.
A little talk of Ed M. & the press stories.
Lamar Alexander is writing a book—sent Howard a few lines from his manuscript about me to see if his memory was correct—it was.
N.S.C.—Brf. on Thailand foreign minister visit.
Proof now that Iranian supply ship Frank called me about laid the mines. Unfortunately under cover of darkness it got into their harbor. Rcvd. a cable from Geo. S. reporting on Moscow meetings.
Then the Foreign Minister & his team arrived. It was a short visit but we talked about Cambodia, their problem with being the 1st stop for all the Vietnamese refugees etc. Then an N.S.C. meeting in Cabinet room—entirely on Canada & next weeks visit by P.M. Mulroney.
Over to E.O.B. to address Am. Legislative Exchange Council. They are a solid group—presented me with a portrait. Upstairs for lunch with Nancy & Stu Spencer—then off to Camp David. Ran a Golden Oldie—Astaire & Rita Hayworth in “You’ll never get rich.”