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April 05, 1983
The Muscular Dystrophy Poster child came by with Jerry Lewis. Jerry has raised all told $500 mil. for MDA. The boy Chris Webb [Rush is correct name], was a happy, witty good looking 6 year old—in a wheelchair. He brought a packet of letters from his class mates—1st grade. An ec. briefing—bothersome—bank deregulation has resulted in fund transfers that make it difficult to tell if we are flooding the money supply—or not. The Eisenhower Fellows—45 people from 45 different countries. Then the Rossows. This is the family of Mr. & Mrs. Rossow a fairly young couple with a dozen of the most handicapped infants & children you can imagine—all adopted because no one else wanted them. I’ve never seen such love in my life—between parents & children & the children for each other. I had an unsatisfactory meeting with Repub. Senators on the budget committee. They are determined we must cut defense spending & increase domestic in order to get a budget passed. I’m opposed. We have rabbits where we need Tigers. Joe Coors came by for a drink & some talk. He’s a fine man.