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February 27, 1985

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Diary Entry - 02/27/1985

Wednesday, February 27, 1985

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Had brkfst. with the freshman class (Senators) of 1980. It’s been an annual event. Put in a pitch for the MX. Later in the East Rm. presented the Nat. Medals of Science to 19 different men & women.

After lunch Jerry Parr & his family came in for a photo. He’s retiring from the Secret Svc. Jerry is the one who threw me in the Limo on March 31st 1981 when Hinckley was shooting at me.

Geo. Shultz came in with Bud. He was reporting on what our man is reporting from S. Africa about the Namibia & Angola situation. Angola has made an offer about sending the Cuban troops home but it’s not a good one. We’re proposing a counter which also has the approval of Savimbi—head of the U.N.I.T.A. faction which is in revolution against the Angolan govt. He’s a good man & has offered a plan for peaceful settlement in Angola. We’re also stepping up our help to Mozambique: Some of our Congressmen & Sen’s. are upset by this since that country has been in the Soviet camp. What they dont know is that Mozambique wants out of the Soviet connection.

Pres. Dan Gilbert & 2 members of Board of Trustees of Eureka college came to see me. Dan is leaving Eureka but they are implementing a fund raising plan & they also want to give Nancy an Honorary degree. Spent rest of day up in my study. Mike D. is back from Europe where he’s been making plans for our trip to Germany in May—the Ec. Summit.