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February 01, 1987
The Groundhog saw his shadow! Pat B. is leaving us and I’ve told Don R. to see if we can augment the speech writers by bringing back L. Parvin.
Foreign Minister of Italy—Andreotti in for a brief visit. He may become next P.M. in coming election.
Dick Wirthlin in with latest figures—my approval rating is now 57%.
An issues briefing lunch & then over to the East Room to meet the Nat. Champs (football) Penn. St.—they were quite a gang of real top fellows.
Then a pre-meeting to be briefed for tomorrows N.S.P.G. meeting on S.D.I. & whether to go for the liberal interpretation of A.B.M. treaty which is really legal & correct one. Doing this would help research on S.D.I. but the Soviets & possibly some of our allies might scream.
A taping session & upstairs.