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Visit StoreJanuary
January 21, 1986
It seems like Monday but then yesterday seemed like Sunday. Geo. Bush reported on his day in Atlanta—the various programs celebrating Martin Luther King Jrs. birthday. Bishop TUTU of S. Africa took advantage of the day to kick me & our admin. around.
Then at 9:30 A.M. met with Repub. leadership of House & Senate. We briefed them on ’87 budget also on ideas for covert help [. . .] the Contras in Nicaragua. Then we discussed tax reform & I made it clear I wanted it.
Later I met with Bill Casey who is leaving for Saudi Arabia. I gave him word I’ve received that there may be some hostile actions on our Southern border & that some of the illegal Mexican entrants are actually from the Middle East.
Dick Wirthlin came by with some amazing poll results. My general approval rating is at 74%.
Nancy joined me & we received the United Way report for ’85—$2.33 bil.—highest it’s ever been & up a dozen percent over ’84. Then upstairs for a little desk work & at 8:55 P.M. left for the big annual “Eagles affair.”