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President Reagan's Domestic Policy: A More Perfect Union

Given the dire state of the economy facing Ronald Reagan when he assumed the Presidency, it would have been understandable had he focused exclusively on those challenges. But he came to office with a broad agenda, and there were many important problems to solve.

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President Reagan's Foreign Policy: Making the World Over Again

He understood the importance of representing America abroad and of forming relationships with his counterparts, and climbed the steps of Air Force One many times over the eight years, visiting more than two dozen countries. When he stood in a foreign capital and heard “The Star Spangled Banner” played by the host country’s band, President Reagan seemed to stand just a little taller and his chest swelled ever so slightly. You could almost feel his pride in representing the USA.

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Reaganomics: Economic Policy and the Reagan Revolution

When Ronald Reagan took the oath of office as America’s 40th President on January 20, 1981, the country was experiencing some of bleakest economic times since the Depression. Taxes were high, unemployment was high, interest rates were high and the national spirit was low.

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Talking "to" People, Not "About" Them

President Reagan was confident that if he could just get his Soviet counterpart in a room and tell him face-to-face that America had no hostile intent, the mistrust would begin to evaporate.

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Reagan the Man

Every president is unique, of course, but there was just something special about the man. Yet even people who knew Ronald Reagan well often had difficulty describing him. Optimistic but not naïve. Articulate but not glib. Intelligent yet guided by common sense. Well mannered but never pretentious. Friendly but not a pushover. Charismatic but real. Principled but not intransigent.

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June 6, 1984 at Pointe du Hoc on Normandy beach in France

Of the many tributes given by President Reagan in honor of American veterans, perhaps the most memorable was the one delivered 35 years ago on June 6, 1984 at Pointe du Hoc on Normandy beach in France, on the 40th anniversary of the Normandy invasion. June 6, 2019 marks the start of the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Landings and the Battle of Normandy and, with it, a momentous occasion to celebrate peace, liberty and reconciliation.

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