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On December 1 and 2, 2023, the Reagan Foundation and Institute held its annual Reagan National Defense Forum, one of our nation’s premier gatherings for defense and national security experts. In an era where the threats to our national security are increasing in number and complexity, the Reagan National Defense Forum allows senior leaders from the defense community to come together with viewpoints on how best to deal with these challenges. As this was our 10th annual forum, this year’s theme was 10 years of promoting Peace Through Strength. This annual convening of the top minds within the defense space provides for unique perspectives via high-level conversations with people who are ‘in the room’ where decisions are made. The Reagan National Defense Forum’s primary objective is to review and assess policies that strengthen America’s national defense in the context of a global threat environment. Just like the past two years, this year’s Defense Forum’s keynote address was delivered by the U.S. Secretary of Defense, the Honorable Lloyd Austin.

Audio Length: 42:52