January 19, 2018
8:30 am
Check-in Opens
10:00 am
Program Begins
11:30 am
Program Ends
12:00 pm
Lunch (Provided by schools, disposable bags ONLY)
12:00 - 5:00 pm
Self-guided Museum Tours (School Groups)
*This event is for Simi Valley middle and high school groups.
The Education Team at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute is proud to announce a convening that will give Simi Valley student leaders an opportunity to share their thoughts and concerns with public officials. This year’s Youth Town Hall will be centered on the state of education, creating a forum in which students from Simi Valley secondary schools can engage with dignitaries on the importance of education at the local and state level. This is a free event to attend, but registration is required.
If you are attending as a school group, we ask for a 1-15 chaperone-to-student ratio. Attire is business casual and registration includes museum admission for school groups. Bus scholarships are available to Title 1 schools upon completion of an application. Please reach out to Rebecca Gallacher at rgallacher@reaganfoundation.org to request an application.