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Event - American Radio Relay League's Field Day 2016

June 25, 2016

Past Event


11:00 a.m.

No Reservations Required
Event - American Radio Relay League's Field Day 2016

June 25, 2016

Past Event


11:00 a.m.

No Reservations Required

"American Radio Relay League's (ARRL) Field Day: This Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Exercise has been held on the grounds of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum for the past 15 years on the fourth weekend of June.

"American Radio Relay League's (ARRL) Field Day: This Amateur Radio Emergency Communications Exercise has been held on the grounds of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library & Museum for the past 15 years on the fourth weekend of June.

For the event, the Ventura County Amateur Radio Society (VCARS) will be joined by the Simi Settlers Amateur Radio Club (SSARC), operating under the Special Events call-sign of ”N6R" (honoring former President and Mrs. Reagan).

The annual 24-hour Field Day Exercise, starting at 11 AM on June 25th, promotes public awareness and provides training experience for local Amateur Radio Operators (Hams). By its conclusion, at 11 AM on June 26th, event participants at the Library will have established Amateur Radio Communications with thousands of other clubs, groups, & individuals throughout North America, most of whom were also operating under simulated emergency conditions."